Wednesday, May 4, 2011

the final 4

I dont think I'll ever submit an entry and not completely stress out about picking the right photo! But last night I was able to choose these 4 to submit to a website that may produce future gigs here and there! Oh' and being the super smart person that I am ...realized after I made my account and put my bio together for approval....I realized I submitted everything into the wrong catagory and had to send an email to customer service explaining what happened and why!!!! That's how the ball bounce's in LeeLand!


1 comment:

  1. These are all amazing!! You have a such a way with COLOR!! That top photo looks like it jumped off the of a totally awesome 70's vinyl cover! LOVE IT!!! The two photos underneath are absolutely GORGEOUS!! You are so talented! I'm so happy you are getting these photos out there! You NEED to be SEEN and HEARD!! You have a personality that just captures people!
    About you submitting those photos; You are too funny! I do silly things like that a little TOO often! I hope you got it all cleared up and these photos went to the right place!! I just love your work!!~
