Friday, May 6, 2011

Mid-West My Ass!

                                        I have lived alot of places throughout my life and about a year ago, moved to Cincinnati Ohio! And from day one I have heard to the locals here refer to themselves as Mid-Westerner's....or refer to Ohio as the Mid-West! At first I apparently wasn't really paying attention to what people were saying to me....which is a different topic all together! And one day it dawned on me that...still these people are saying Mid-West this...and Mid-West that...and I started to think .... what in the fuck are they talking about. And it's not a joke of some sort...for some reason the people of Ohio truly believe that they live in the Mid-West! What do Ohioans think they're in the middle of? I thought maybe they're referring to the Mid-West part  of Ohio...but oh no! They truly believe that's Ohio is in the Mid-Western part of the United States! I've even heard someone say to me were in the middle of everything! I simply asked in the middle of what exactly...are you referring to The United States??? And the gentleman replied...Yes!
                          I wasn't trying to be rude or anything of the sorts....but I had to ask him if he realized that Ohio is merely 1 state away from the Atlantic Ocean which is on the east side of the country called United States...and he replied...Yeah- I know that! Well can anyone argue with that?
                         Being the open-minded person that I am..... I've spent a moment or two really trying to understand this Mid-Western Ohioan thing. Maybe I'm not seeing the whole picture .... missing a point or three. I thought ....well maybe when this whole Mid-Western started it was a really long time ago...and man-kind had only reached Illinois......
but that was a really long time ago and you'd think that someone around here would be smart enough to realize that there alot more states now...and if you actually looked at a map you could see that we now go all the way the Pacific Ocean! Do Ohioans ever look at a map?
                        I know this who thing seems trivial in a world full of so many problems that are far more serious than this.....but like I said from day blogs are nothing more than a way to rid myself of random thoughts that swirl around endlessly in my brain. And this Mid-West thing actually bothers me ...on many levels! And I just want to say that ...."I refer to Ohio as the Mid-West....and will DIE (yes..I said DIE)before I ever call myself a Mid-Westerner living in Ohio!!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

the final 4

I dont think I'll ever submit an entry and not completely stress out about picking the right photo! But last night I was able to choose these 4 to submit to a website that may produce future gigs here and there! Oh' and being the super smart person that I am ...realized after I made my account and put my bio together for approval....I realized I submitted everything into the wrong catagory and had to send an email to customer service explaining what happened and why!!!! That's how the ball bounce's in LeeLand!


Monday, May 2, 2011

Testing Testing 123.......

First of all I would like to thank my friend Mrs. Crafty for crafting this together for me..... without her none of this would be possible! A big fat Muaah to you! Second....I feel inclined to let the WWW know that the sole purpose of having a blog is a completely selfish one! I have no purpose other than posting random art projects I find myself never finishing, and a way to express the many many meaningless things that twirl around in my brain like a tornando! A release so to speak....and even though journals are amazing....the only feed back you'll ever get from from yourself. Dont get me wrong...having 3rd party conversations with yourself can be very interesting, but are way too predictable!
So here I am....entering a new world to aimlessly and pointlessly express myself to everyone and no one at the same time.

something im wracking my brain over for a digital artist gig........